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Transforming post sorting

Manual post sorting is a thing of the past

Setting the scene

The Belgian Luxembourg Chamber of commerce (BLCC for short) in the UK is a modern chamber of commerce helping its members with relevant services to run a business internationally.

One of these services is providing virtual offices used for company registration and centralised post delivery.

The Challenge(s)

The team would sort through the incoming post every morning and email the relevant members a scan of the mail.

This email action has the following steps:

  • excel sheet with instructions for every member
  • uploading the post to various drop-boxes and one-drives
  • billing of admin fees
  • billing of the action
  • billing of memberships

Our challenge was developing a system that would reduce the time spent per item, structure the delivery of the information, automate the actual billing and reduce the human error of every action.

How did we solve it?

To rise to the challenge, we developed an AI/OCR-driven solution which focuses on the following:

  1. Usability without instructions
  2. Client configuration for instructions
  3. 100% automated flow

De wanted a solution that would allow any team member to sort mail without knowing any context about the customer, effectively cutting training time down to 0

What are the results?

The project was a massive success. Both virtual office locations have a default email address setup in the scanner, to which every scan gets emailed by default.

These scans are gathered in the portal automatically. So when one of the team members goes through the scans, they only need to verify the topic and receiver - which the portal has already suggested magically through OCR/AI.

After launching the system, the time spent sorting through the mail was reduced by 70% (they still need to scan it). Next to the massive time gain, the human error is reduced to 0 through the bespoke portal.

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